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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty DriverSports Rule Book - GT6

Post  Forgetful Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:54 pm


As a governing body for online league racing this organization works to establish an environment of competitive online simulation racing. Absent the mechanical element that defines Motorsports, sim racing is a unique form of competition that can best be described as Driversports

We currently offer league racing events for Gran Turismo 6 on the Playstation 3. Our members are also active on

Last edited by Forgetful on Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:48 am; edited 7 times in total

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Race Formats, Registration, Drivers Meeting, Qualifying and Scoring

Post  Forgetful Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:56 pm

Race Formats, Registration, Drivers Meeting, Qualifying and Scoring

Race Formats - Sprint Races will run roughly 40 minutes in length. Qualifying for these races will be a 'Race Alone' session, sorted fastest first.

Double Header races will consist of two races, the first race short, the second race longer. The lap times from the pre-race practice session will determine the starting order for the first race and finishing order of the first race will determine the grid for the second race.

Solo Enduro races will combine the completion times from two or more races, called 'stints', to determine an overall finishing order. The lap times from the pre-race practice session will determine the starting order for the first stint and finishing order will be carried over to the grid for the next stint.

Endurance races will be at least 2 hours in length and may require teams of 2 or more drivers to combine their stint times for an overall completion time and finishing position.

Rally races will have an online lobby set for a 2 lap race. Drivers will stage at the end of the first sighting lap, then run 1 flying lap in spaced intervals. Over a number of different courses times will be compiled to determine the overall standings. These events will favor dirt and snow, but may also include or consist entirely of paved courses.

Registration - To participate a driver must register before the deadline. If necessary divisions will be sorted by current championship points standings. The first race of a series will have its divisions sorted by the results of an official qualifying session.

Drivers Meeting - The Race Host will open the drivers meeting no later than 20 minutes after the close of registration by inviting the drivers to a PSN Text Chat. The meeting will be open for 10 minutes or until all registered drivers arrive, at which point the host will build the room. This allows the host to build the room specifically for the number of drivers present in the drivers meeting text chat. If you do not attend the text chat the host will assume you are not present, and there will not be room for you in the race lobby. Once the room is ready the host will call all drivers to join the room. The host will allow reasonable accommodation for resetting, freezing and hangups.

Scoring - Event hosts will collect the finish positions and completion times of all participants and post them to the forum. Once all results are in, race completion times from all divisions will be combined to determine the final race standings. Should a driver get 'timed-out' while still racing they will be scored in their finishing position after drivers with a scored completion time. Should two 'timed-out' drivers from different divisions have the same finishing position they will be scored as tied. Disconections and DNFs will be scored after all running drivers.

Championship Points - During a championship series points will be awarded based on finishing position. The driver and/or team with the highest score at the end of the championship will be declared the winner. Championship points may be subject to penalties for rules violations. A number of 'drops' will exclude a drivers worst finishes from the points total, the number of which is dependent on the length of the series. For division sorting purposes drops will not be applied until the season is complete.
Points will be earned on the following scale. A participation bonus modifier will be applied, adding 1 point per entry to every position (10 entries adds 10 points to each finishing position, etc...)

  1. 100
  2. 90
  3. 80
  4. 75
  5. 70
  6. 65
  7. 60
  8. 55
  9. 50
  10. 45
  11. 40
  12. 35
  13. 30
  14. 27
  15. 24
  16. 21
  17. 18
  18. 15
  19. 12
  20. 9
  21. 6
  22. 3
  23. 1
  24. 0

Last edited by Forgetful on Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:40 pm; edited 38 times in total

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Host Responsibilities and Authority

Post  Forgetful Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:57 pm

Host Responsibilities and Authority

Hosts are responsible for the smooth and punctual operation of the race room. They are responsible for inviting drivers to their friends list and to the PSN text chat/Drivers Meeting on time, starting the event on time, as well as creating the race lobby, setting the correct restrictions and coordinating the appropriate qualifying session. In the event of connection issues Hosts may request that another participant with a better connection set up the room under their supervision, and may also enlist a volunteer to post final race results.

Reasonable time can be given to those with minor issues, at the hosts discretion. A host can call for a restart of a race if lag is a serious issue on the first lap, or if a driver experiences a game altering glitch.

Post-race, hosts must collect the race replay, qualifying times, finishing order and completion times of all drivers and post them to the forum.

Hosts possess the authority and responsibility to remove disruptive drivers from the race room, and to make changes to regulations in the event of a conflict, error or discrepancy.

Last edited by Forgetful on Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:35 am; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Penalties

Post  Forgetful Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:02 pm


The method of enforcement depends on the severity of the incident(s). Minor incidents will usually result in a time penalty of 30 seconds (roughly equal to a stop-and-go). Serious infractions will see a driver lose championship points and the most serious of offenses will result in penalties related to start and finishing positions and championship points. All penalties will be administered after a marshal's review. All race results will remain unofficial until the close of any incident reviews. All penalties are modifiable at the discretion of the reviewing race marshal.

Minor - Minimum 30 second time penalty
Serious - 1-3 Points
Major - Grid Penalties, Reduction in finishing position, etc...

Appeals - All penalized drivers have the right to appeal a penalty against them. To file an appeal reply to the penalty notice with your intent to appeal, then review the race replay and make notes describing the incident in question and how the ruling is incorrect. Always include the 'balloon cam' third person point of view in any review. Submit your notes to the appeal board and consider the case.

Last edited by Forgetful on Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:58 am; edited 6 times in total

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Cars, Tires and Damage

Post  Forgetful Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:05 pm

Cars, Tires and Damage

We aim to replicate real world race events and their unique conditions, however our priority is to ensure a level playing field and to that end we will not apply restrictions that cannot be enforced. 

Appropriate tires will be used. Race cars will use slicks and street cars will be equipped with treaded tires. Compounds and wear rate will be selected to balance car control and close racing action, as well as pit stop frequency.

Damage will be set to light. Drivers will suffer temporary damage before returning to normal car operation. Excessive or frequent damage may result in a DNF score.

Last edited by Forgetful on Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:53 am; edited 7 times in total

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Restrictions

Post  Forgetful Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:06 pm


The appropriate restrictions will be used for the type of event. Driving line, ASM, Active steering are prohibited in all events. TCS and ABS will be allowed or disallowed by event. Real Slipstream and Real Grip Reduction will be used for all events. Tire Wear and Fuel Consumption will be adjusted by event. Visible and heavy damage will be used at all times to create a realistic racing atmosphere and encourage considerate and safe driving. Boost and Penalties will not be used. When Grid starts are used the false start check will be active.

It is our philosophy that we will not implement rules that we can not enforce. If an event calls for a specific list of parts it will be verifiable and it will be made clear to all competitors how it will be enforced. If the intention is for an event to allow for a driver to build their car as they please, that will be made clear to all competitors also.

Our methods of enforcement include;

Car Specific Restriction - A car is built with a specific set of parts that are the best possible combination to produce a specific redline, boost gauge reading and exhaust note/tip(s).

League officials will check event replays to ensure the legality. Cars not matching the defined redline, sound or look will be deemed illegal and will be disqualified. Hosts will set the hp/kg/pp restrictions as a redundant precaution.

Max hp/ Min kg / Max PP - Multi-car events using any or all three statistic restrictions. Build you car as you please and restrict it to the prescribed figures.
Max RPM - All modifications to the engine are required, not including turbos, resulting in the car achieving the maximum engine rpm. Oil-change and engine break-in gains are necessary to achieve full power. Specific Turbos and/or Ballast weight can be enforced.

Tuning Prohibited - Events will be open to specific unmodified cars. Oil change, engine break-in, restorations, rigidity increase, rims and paint are allowed. TCS, ABS and Brake Balance adjustments are allowed.

Last edited by Forgetful on Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:44 pm; edited 10 times in total

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Caution Flag Procedure

Post  Forgetful Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:40 pm

To better simulate professional racing we've developed a Caution Flag Procedure for Gran Turismo 6 that can be operated by race participants, with or without an off-track spectating race official, as well as with or without a dedicated Safety Car.

  • The goal of the caution procedure is to minimize the risk damaged and limping cars present to other racers, to reduce but not eliminate the negative effects of suffering damage, to simulate situations in which the track would be effected by debris and stranded cars, and to introduce the regrouping of the field under yellow.
  • Each room will require a dedicated 'Race Official' with voice chat capability to operate the caution flag procedures. This can be the room host, the safety car driver or any racer with voice chat, or a volunteer spectator.

Deployment of the Safety Car:

  • A caution can be requested by any driver whose car has damage that causes a severe limping situation, or is blocking the track in a manner that is difficult to rectify.
  • A driver requesting a caution, will call out or type in the text chat 'YELLOW'. The race is not yet under caution, but drivers should be alert for dangerous situations ahead.
  • Once a driver has asked for a yellow the host will verify that there is enough time or laps, then call 'Caution, Caution, Caution' clearly across the voice chat. The race is then under caution flag conditions and control of the Race Official.
  • When a caution is called the safety car will be deployed, if no safety car is present the the Race Official will tell the leader to assume the role of the safety car immediately.
  • The safety car will pace the field at 70 mph / 113 km/h. If there is a dedicated safety car it will immediately wave by drivers until it picks up the race leader.
  • As soon as caution is called passing is prohibited, drivers must reduce their pace slightly until they catch the pace group, and be alert for damaged cars on track.
  • Once drivers have joined the pace group they must maintain a reasonable following distance between 5-10 car lengths in single file behind the safety car, keeping to the left side of the track on straights.
  • Weaving and aggressive braking behind the safety car is prohibited.
  • Passing other cars is prohibited during a caution, except for cars that are stopped, off track or not maintaining position within the pace group.
  • Passing the safety car is not allowed unless waved by.
  • Cars deliberately dropping out of the pace group will keep to the right and the pace group will pass on the left.
  • Cautions can not be called within 3 laps of the end of the race.

Closed Pits & Emergency Service:

  • The pits are immediately closed when the race comes under caution.
  • Drivers can enter closed pits for 'Emergency Service', for any reason.
  • Drivers in a severe limp situation and those who called for the yellow must pit for emergency service.
  • As a penalty for taking emergency service drivers will perform a stop and go pit penalty, to be served at the end of the last lap .under caution, as the race returns to green flag conditions.

Open Pits:

  • The Race Official will call the pit lane open after damaged cars have cleared their emergency service pit stops.
  • All drivers may pit in open pits, including those that took emergency service.

Returning to Green Flag Racing:

  • The safety car will be recalled one lap after the pits are called open.
  • The safety car will pull to the side of the track in a safe place before the final series of corners, the field is then under the control of the leader for a rolling start.
  • Drivers who took emergency service will enter the pits to serve their stop and go penalty.
  • On the approach to the restart drivers must maintain less than 5 car lengths to the car ahead.
  • No passing or overlap is allowed until the car crosses the start finish line.
  • The leader can choose to accelerate at any time between the exit of the last corner and the start finish line.
  • Drivers must follow through with their initial acceleration, unless to avoid incident, overlap or passing. A driver may not break acceleration on a restart for the purpose of gamesmanship.
  • Drivers that do not reasonably react to the acceleration of the driver in front of them can be passed before the start finish line.

Race Official Script:

When a driver asks for a yellow confirm that there are enough laps remaining:

  • Pits are closed, except for emergency service.
  • Those limping and who called for the yellow must take emergency service.

After the emergency service stop are complete:

  • Pit are open to all drivers this lap (repeat as the safety car approaches pit entrance).

After the open pit stops are complete:

  • Safety car in this lap.
  • Those who took emergency service must pit for their penalty.
  • The leader can go between the final corner and start finish.
  • No passing before the start finish.
  • Repeat as pace group approaches the final series of corners.

As the leader accelerates towards the start finish line:


If it seems a lot to take in, don't stress. Just follow instructions from the race official on the voice channel. Don't pass anybody that's not limping, and hustle safely around to join the pace car train. Don't pit unless pits have been called open, unless it's a damage or fuel emergency (and remember that if you do that you'll have to pit again for to serve a penalty when the race goes green).

Here's the TL;DR version of the procedure:

  • Anyone can call for a yellow for a car that is limping, or for a car that is in a vulnerable position and difficult to clear.
  • Either the safety car is deployed and picks up the leader, or the leader assumes the role of the safety car.
  • The safety car or leader will pace the field at 70mph/113kmh
  • Pits are closed, but anyone can take emergency service.
  • Those involved in the yellow must take emergency service.
  • All those who take emergency service must pit for a stop and go as the race goes green.
  • The pits are called open after emergency service has finished.
  • The safety car will leave the track one lap after opening the pits.
  • The leader may accelerate towards the green flag anywhere between the final corner and the start finish line. No pasing or overlap is allowed until the start finish line.
  • With 3 laps to go cautions can not be called to prevent races from ending under caution.

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty Rolling Starts

Post  Forgetful Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:37 am

The first lap will be run at pace speed and drivers will arrange themselves single file in the order announced by the race official. Drivers will maintain pace speed until the leader crosses the start finish line, at which point the race official will call GREEN GREEN GREEN, and all cars may accelerate and pass other cars.

Posts : 3361
Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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DriverSports Rule Book - GT6 Empty The Sporting Drivers Code

Post  Forgetful Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:38 am

The following rules were written specifically for Gran Turismo 6 online sim racing events.

Participants will drive to the best of their abilities for the duration of the race. Should a driver need to retire they are to park their car safely off track but stay in the online lobby. Pausing to make use of the auto-drive is not allowed.

A driver must maintain the defined racing surface with 2 wheels of the same side of the car on or above the white line or primary curbing. The Track Boundary Guide contains track by track definitions for any questionable areas. Should a driver leave the track they cannot gain advantage by short cutting or overrunning and following through. Re-entering the track is to be done without interfering with cars still on track. Cars on track should make a reasonable attempt to make room for a car attempting to regain the track.

Contact with walls, cones, barriers and other cars is discouraged. Minor contact is excusable. Excessive minor contact may be penalized. Contact causing another car to leave the track and/or suffer damage, or gaining advantage by causing contact of any kind will result in an automatic penalty. Time based penalties will be administered after a race review, before the results are finalized. Do not pull over or slow down after an incident.

A driver can choose their line in to and through a corner unless there is a reasonable side by side overlap at which point the cars are engaged in overlap and all drivers must respect their opponent's right to track space and a lane in which to move forward, and must also make every reasonable attempt to avoid contact. A driver seeking inside overlap must do so under control and without pushing in to the opponent. A car on the outside of overlap must not turn down on the inside car. Lapped traffic should yield only when safe to do so.

Deliberate obstruction by a lead car and repetitive swerving to break the draft are expressly forbidden.

The pit lane is to be entered and exited inside the appropriate lanes with no more than 2 tires of the same side of the car crossing the sidelines of pit lane. When the AI releases a car from the pitlane beyond the lines the drivers must make a reasonable attempt to regain the pit exit lane. Drivers on track must not interfere with cars inside pit lanes. Drivers in pit lanes must not interfere with cars on track.

Please contact the race officials to request a review of any incidents, on track or otherwise. All participants are encouraged to report anything they feel might be a violation of these rules by contacting the race officials privately. Public accusations or outbursts towards another driver are not allowed and may be penalized.

These events are posted in different forums and blogs, as well as on the Playstation Network. Participants will treat others with respect and dignity and adhere to all local rules and restrictions.

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Join date : 2011-11-28
Age : 41
Location : Kamloops, B.C.

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